HEINE OMEGA 500 LED Binocular Indirect Ophthalmoscope
Quality with LED illumination
Unique “Synchronized Adjustment of Convergence and Parallax” for high quality, stereoscopic fundus images through any pupil size.
- Now with a matching Breath Shield for a clear view during examinations.
- Unique synchr. adjustment
- Dustproof
- LED in HEINE Quality – or LED HQ.
More details
OMEGA 500, HC 50L Headband Rheostat, 1x mPack UNPLUGGED, plug-in transformer UNPLUGGED
Unique Synchronized Adjustment of Convergence and Parallax for high quality, stereoscopic fundus images through any pupil size. Precise selection of
the observation and illumination optics for small pupils down to 1.0 mm.
Excellent optical performance due to the multi-coated illumination system. Exact vertical alignment of the illumination with the observation path further minimising the reflections.
Due to the mounting of the optics on an aluminum frame, the OMEGA 500 is solid, long lasting, and is guaranteed to be dustproof.
The HC 50L Headband Rheostat controls the LED illumination as well as the XHL Xenon-Halogen illumination.
3 different filters, 4 different apertures

Product information
Instructions for use | Reprocessing
Others | Declaration of conformity
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Further articles | Accessories HEINE OMEGA 500 LED Binocular Indirect Ophthalmoscope

to EN50 charger/mPack/plug-in transformer for HC50 L, 1,6m
to mPack UNPLUGGED, 2m
2m, for OMEGA500 Ophthalmoscope
for OMEGA500 Ophthalmoscope
A.R. 30 D, 46 mm dia.
with 50 pcs.
C-000.33.208FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
I cannot decide between LED or XHL iIlumination. What is the difference?
The HEINE OMEGA 500 is marketed as dust proof. Why do I still see dust when looking through the front glass of the indirect ophthalmoscope?
The term dust proof means that the instrument is protected against the infiltration of dust. The instruments have no open and unprotected windows. Nevertheless, in the unlikely case that some dust particles get encased inside the instrument in a heavy use environment, the product can be serviced by HEINE. Microparticles that can be seen through the instrument are normal and don’ t obstruct examination.
How do I change the light source in my HEINE OMEGA500 LED?
Which power source is compatible with my HEINE OMEGA 500?
The HEINE OMEGA 500 can be used with the belt-worn HEINE mPack (8.5 hours opeating time) or with the cable-free HEINE mPack UNPLUGGED (3.5 hours operating time).
Can I reprocess the device automatically?
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