Headband-mounted rechargeable battery
Rechargeable battery for OMEGA500 Indirect Binocular Ophthalmoscope UNPLUGGED and ML4 LED HeadLight UNPLUGGED (System voltage 6 V).
- Headband battery (rechargeable)
- LED charge status display
More details
Lightweight with balanced weight distribution. High level of comfort.
Charge status indicator. Display of remaining operating time.
Can be recharged by wall- or plug-in transformer.
Direct operation possible while charging through the use of the mobile plug-in transformer.
Charging time: 2 hours.
Operating time: 3.5 hours for ML4 LED HeadLight, 2 hours for OMEGA 500 UNPLUGGED, 8 hours for OMEGA 500 UNPLUGGED with LED.
Intelligent charging system. Automatic changeover from operating to charging mode (in the wall unit).
Top safety standards. Integrated charge and performance checks during operation. Lithium polymer technology. UL-compliant.
Registered Design.
Product information
Instructions for use | Reprocessing
Others | Declaration of conformity
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Headband-mounted rechargeable battery for mPack UNPLUGGED
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Can I use dripping-wet or heavily-foaming wipes?
Can I use ultrasonic bath for cleaning?
Can I sterilise the devices?
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