Home Products Loupes and HeadLights

Loupes and HeadLights

Once you’ve tried it, you'll never want to do without it again.

Binocular loupes offer invaluable assistance in the diagnosis and treatment of patients. Thanks to a high resolution and image sharpness, they make it easier to see small details and allow for precise work under magnification.

A headlight projects light exactly where it is required at any given time. Used in combination with a loupe or on its own, if correctly aligned it delivers shadow-free illumination of the work area.




    HEINE ML4 HeadLight LED
    HEINE ML4 LED HeadLight
    Perfect fit. Perfect view. During long procedures.
    HEINE MicroLight2
    Ultralight. Universal. Without magnification.

    Loupes and Lights

    HEINE C2.3K binocular loupe
    The cost-effective all-purpose loupe
    HEINE LoupeLight2 HR 2.5x optics  340mm on S-FRAME
    HEINE LoupeLight2
    Brighter. Lighter. Improved functionality.
    HEINE ML4 LED HeadLight on Professional L headband, HR Binocular Loupe 2.5x/340mm, S-GUARD
    HEINE ML4 LED HeadLight with HR / HRP Optics
    Perfect fit. Perfect view. During long procedures.


    HEINE HR 2.5x high resolution binocular loupes 420mm Spectacle frame
    HEINE HR 2.5x High Resolution Binocular Loupes
    High resolution. Crisp image. Various magnifications.
    HEINE HRP High Resolution Prismatic Binocular Loupes
    High resolution. Crisp image. Various magnifications.

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    HEINE Quality Made In Germany

    We live and breathe quality. In everything we do. Every product we make. Every lens we polish. Every screw we tighten. Every optic fiber we bundle. Always. Every day. The durability of our primary diagnostic instruments is legendary.

    Quality Made in Germany
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