HEINE HR 2.5x High Resolution Binocular Loupes

High resolution. Crisp image. Various magnifications.

Your optimal loupe is as individual as your work. Experience the difference of getting less tired - even during long procedures.

  • Crisp, high-resolution image
  • Large field of view
  • Lightweight
  • Multi-coated Achromatic Optics


Catalogue Number: C-000.32.356

More details

420 mm working distance, on S-FRAME, with Protective lenses, 2 sterilisable swivel levers, Retaining cord, Cleaning cloth and Carrying case.

Your optimal loupe is as individual as your work. HEINE's HIGH TECH optics offer a large variety of loupes to fulfill your individual needs. Experience the difference of getting less tired - even during long procedures.

Further articles | Accessories HEINE HR 2.5x High Resolution Binocular Loupes


for HR and HRP Binocular Loupes incl. retaining cord

Sterilisable Swivel Levers

For HR and HRP loupes with i-View

S-FRAME retaining cord

Protective lenses for S-FRAME

Large (lg), 1 pair (Standard)

Protective lenses for S-FRAME

Small (sm), 1 pair

Clip-in correction frame for S-FRAME

for prescription lenses

Protective Lenses for HR loupes

5 pairs

HR Close-up Lenses in case

Close-up Lenses for HR 2.5x / 340 mm optics. The close-up lenses reduce the working distance of the binocular loupes (HR 2.5x / 340 mm to 250 mm).

Professional L Headband

For HR and HRP optics


FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

Which Binocular Loupes can be mounted on the S-GUARD ?

How can I measure my Pupilliary Distance (PD)?

Which Binocular Loupes can be mounted on my HEINE LED MicroLight?

Which Binocular Loupes can be mounted on the ML4 LED HeadLight?

Which magnification do I need?

Show all FAQs

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HEINE Quality Made In Germany

We live and breathe quality. In everything we do. Every product we make. Every lens we polish. Every screw we tighten. Every optic fiber we bundle. Always. Every day. The durability of our primary diagnostic instruments is legendary.

Quality Made in Germany
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