Aspherical Optical System - AOS
The unique aspheric optical system (AOS) from HEINE eliminates annoying light reflections in ophthalmological examinations, optimizes the usable illumination on the fundus of the eye and thus ensures an incomparably large, bright and high-contrast retinal image.
Only from HEINE: Just below the middle of the pupil enters a bundled light beam in the eye to be examined. The separation of the illumination and observation beam avoids disturbing light reflections in the examiner's eye (Gullstrand principle). Due to its elliptical shape almost the entire light beam reaches the eye. The light beam expands upon entry into the anterior chamber of the eye and illuminates a large area of the retina.

[ 01 ] Flat, elliptical illumination beam produced by HEINE’s patented Aspherical Optical System.
[ 02 ] Observation path.
[ 03 ] Redirected iris and corneal reflexes.
[ 04 ] The elliptical light beam enters through the lower half of the cornea. The illumination beam has been separated from the observation beam (Gullstrand-Principle). All reflexes are diverted away from the observation beam due to the curvature of the reflective cornea. Due to the flat, compressed form of the light beam, a maximum amount of light enters through the pupil.
[ 05 ] Once past the anterior chamber, the light beam opens up dramatically to illuminate a large area of the retina.