HEINE F.O. 4 SLIM LED NT Laryngoscope Handle
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Complete handle with rechargeable battery.
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Further articles | Accessories HEINE F.O. 4 SLIM LED NT Laryngoscope Handle

Small F.O. LED Laryngoscope Handle LED Laryngoscope insert
without bottom cap
Bottom Insert F.O. SLIM NT

HEINE Handle Shell F.O. 4 SLIM

Adapter set (two pieces)
for BETA SLIM and Small F.O. Laryngoscope Rechargeable Handles
X-000.99.086FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
How do I change the light source in my HEINE LED Laryngoscope Handle?
HEINE LED Laryngoscope Handle: The HEINE LEDs feature an extremely long durability, sustaining their illumination quality throughout the whole product life time. Therefore an exchange of the LED is not necessary.
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